About Us

SmartHonk is a platform where you can find smart solutions to problems. Whether it be mobility or gadgets or business or technology – we cover everything that needs smart solutions. We recommend products and tools along with smart advice to help you lead a better life every single day!

We cover

Smartphones, smart home tech, smart entrepreneurs, smart games, smart tools, smart apps, smart appliances or for that matter, even Hyperloop. Basically – anything that is definitely smart.

Why should you read SmartHonk?

The world will soon be completely ‘smart’. Word puns aside, the early adopters of SmartHonk are people who understand digital, who are tech savvy, who like to research before buying appliances or devices. You could also be concerned about technological development and want to keep yourselves abreast.

Core Values of SmartHonk 

We’re not here to just help. We make the choice for you – you don’t need to be confused anymore. We’re a tad bit authoritative like a senior from school but not arrogant like an old uncle you meet at a wedding. But that authority is not without merit – we heavily research before recommending anything and hence like to be sure of what we are saying.

We’re futuristic. We love technology. We love smart solutions.

We’re open to suggestions & recommendations, feel free to drop a line at hello@smarthonk.com.